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Casanova - Blast From The Past (Jul 2000)

Rock Metal Machine

Casanova photo

Return Of The Hard Rock Supremos! The first-ever interview printed in Issue #1 of Fireworks Rock & Metal Magazine.

It was originally written for my ex-girlfriend, Dorkag Kiefer, a famous actress here on German TV.

Here at FIREWORKS headquarters, you only have to mention the name ‘Casanova’ and Paul Diamond breaks out in a cold sweat, froths at the mouth and generally trembles like a f***wit! Recently, he tracked down Casanova’s head honcho, Michael Voss…

Hi Michael. How come there was such a long silence between the excellent new album, “Heroes”, and your last studio release “One Night Stand”? Was this due, in part, to your involvement with Angel Schleifer on the Demon Drive project?

We decided to part in ’94 when the record deal with WEA expired. Everybody took a rest and then we started working on new songs with Kalle Trap (Saxon) in Hamburg. After recording I had two offers - on the one hand to join BROON (ex Sisters of Mercy) as a member and on the other hand to record the Demon Drive with Angel Scheifer. After the completion of the Demon Drive project we started recording songs for the new Casanova album in 1996.

“Star”, from the new album, is such a slick slice of commercial hard rock and has ‘hit' written all over it. What, if anything, inspired you to write such a cool song?

Well, originally it was a song I had written in ’97 for a different artist so it was a kind of poppy song. When we decided to choose it for the new album we made it a bit heavier.

So who was the artist who you originally wrote it for?

It was originally written for my ex-girlfriend, Dorkag Kiefer, a famous actress here on German TV. We worked on a couple of songs together that have still to be released.

Which songs on “Heroes" mean the most to you personally? What are your favourites and why?

Personally, I like all of them. They’re all like my little babies who each have a special place in my heart and come alive when played by my musicians. They breathe their spirit into every single note and that makes me feel very proud!

How come the song “Sex Is An Alien” never made it on to “Heroes" or the Japanese “Sway" EP and single?

I have no idea! Maybe the lyrics are a little too heavy for the Japanese tans. A kinda cool song that I wrote with the producer of the ‘H-BLOCKX'.

On the “Heroes" thanx list you’ve listed ‘Don Juans’ restaurant in Palma. Is Mallorca one of your favourite haunts outside of Germany?

Yes, Mallorca is my second residence and I have a lot of friends out there. I have an appointment there with my manager, Mike Forster, where we work on new ideas and concepts when we’re on the island. Furthermore, the Don Juan is the best restaurant in Palma! You will find it in the old town next to the Abaco and it’s managed by my friend Carlos, who plays in a heavy metal band there. Too cool!!

What’s Carlos’ band called? Have they released anything?

The band Carlos is in is called ‘DIES ALTER’ which is Spanish. They are playing a lot of shows on the island and are very metal orientated. I’ve been thinking about producing their new demo over here in Germany. If you like, I will give you a contact or send you an info. package.

What’s the current update on ”Heroes” being released across Europe?

We’re trying very hard to release the album over here at the moment. Udo Dirkschneider is negotiating a deal and we are very optimistic that we will be successful.

We’ve received lots of letters from Japan. Everybody is freaking out!

Are there any European dates in the pipeline?

Well we intend to release the ‘Heroes’ album across Europe in early 2000. That will be the date when we plan to tour again - see you on the road!

What has been the reaction to ‘Heroes’ been like in Japan?

We’ve received lots of letters from Japan. Everybody is freaking out! They want us to come over and play there.

So Japanese dates are on the horizon?

Of course! As soon as the record company wants us to play we will rock Japan!!

Casanova” and “One Night Stand" have both been recently re-issued in Japan by WEA. How come the killer acoustic set, “Some Like It Different" wasn’t re-released as well? Any plans for WEA-Japan to release it in the future?

I don’t know what plans WEA have in relation to the acoustic album.

What’s Stephan and the rest of Casanova been up to during the 6 year absence?

Hanging out, playing in different bands and taking paid vacations! Ha-ha!! No, they’ve all been working in different jobs to earn money between albums.

Heroes Cover
"Heroes" by Casanova

On the “Shine It All On” Japanese single there’s a cover of the classic T-REX song, "Children Of The Revolution”. Were T-Rex and Marc Bolan one of your early influences?

Yeah, T-Rex is cool and all the other glam rock bands from that era like Slade, Mud, The Sweet…we admire them all.

Who else would you cite as influences?

I was raised on rock n’ roll: P.J Proby, Elvis, Buddy Holly - a little later the glam rock thing came along. As a singer/songwritter though I’m more familiar with Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams - mainstream orientated guitar rock.

How did the 89/90 Bonfire tour you did as the 2nd guitarist come about? Was this due to your friendship with Angel and do you still see Claus Lessman and Hans Ziller at all?

Angel Schleifer asked me to join Bonfire and after the tour finished we had the offer from WEA Music to record the Casanova album. I haven’t spoken to Claus Lessman much recently but I heard he has a new Bonfire album set for release.

Talking if Angel Schleifer, are there any plans for a sequel to the Demon Drive album “Burn Rubber” in the future?

If there’s any record company interest we’ll record another album for sure. If we have the time!!

I noticed on the Demon Drive EP, “Hot Rubber”, that “Written In My Heart” was produced by Henry Staroste who did the production on the first two Casanova releases. Was this song left over from the “One Night Stand” sessions?

Absolutely right! “Written In My Heart was an out-take from the “One Night Stand” album and is a very nice, smooth rock song.

The new MAD MAX album is much heavier than “Heroes”. Was this a deliberate move on your part to appeal to the ‘heavier’ end of the hard rock market?

Actually it was meant and planned to sound even harder! Mad Max is a different trademark and the fans will be delivered with a very heavy sounding eighties metal album.

Which band is your main priority - Casanova or Mad Max?

I don’t think about it that much. Both Casanova and Mad Max are different stations in my career and mean very much to me. I’m a music addict and it’s the greatest gift for me to be able to write songs in different shades.

What are your interests outside of the music business?

Playing tennis is my biggest hobby. I love that. On Mallorca, I have very prominent training partners. It’s great! Furthermore I like to walk with my two collies through the Forrests of Germany. I love my dogs.

What are your future plans for Casanova and Mad Max?

Performing and writing new songs so that we can continue to talk about music.

Is there a website where people can keep up-to-date with all the latest news?

Not at the moment no. We’re working on it though.

Finally…when can we expect to see the release of the next Casanova album?!?

A very difficult question. I guess we’ll start writing new songs in Summer 2000. Let's see what happens… Thanx for the interview Paul.

I’m a music addict and it’s the greatest gift for me to be able to write songs in different shades.

Interview by Paul Diamond





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