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Chandler Mogel

Rock Metal Machine

Chandler Mogel

Chandler Mogel, best known as singer in Talon, Outloud and Punky Meadows Band, expands on his singing career and what the future holds with regard to new music and live gigs.

Who were your influences in the early days and have you always wanted to be a singer in a band?

My influences are still the same, my favourite singers are Glenn Hughes, David Coverdale, Ray Gillen, Tony Martin with Sabbath, Goran Edman, etc. I love bands like Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest - also many bands that have a great rock groove and dynamics and that combined soul and rock.

Did I always wanted to be a singer, no actually! It started when I had nothing better to do (lol) and went to a friend's house to sing some Judas Priest covers! Once I started I was hooked! That was only about 22 years ago.

Have you ever auditioned for the vocal spot in any other notable bands?

Yes I have! I auditioned for Gotthard after Steve Lee passed. I got the gig with Diamond Head at one point about 12 years ago but I couldn't do it due to scheduling conflicts. I almost got the gig with Riot about 10 years ago but the label wanted Tony Moore back (which was understandable). I auditioned for TSO a few times and almost got it this year!

You have appeared on a number of albums over the years. Do you have a favourite and why?

Yes, always trying to stay prolific [laughs] One of my favourites is the Pareidolia album "Denied Truths". It was done with a good shredder friend of mine Steve Dadaian, and a great engineer, Ethan Bill. I just remember I had a lot of creative control and the songs were coming out just how I envisioned, and there is a great vibe that travels throughout the record. I could really say many others too but this one sticks out for some reason!

Do you have any plans to release a solo album?

I'm actually working on that material currently! So, yes!

Some vocalists are on strict dietary regimes or gargle with special liquids. How have you kept your voice in tip-top shape all these years?

I mean nothing too crazy besides singing properly with the proper technique, staying hydrated, and always warming up before you sing! Very important!

Do you still get the same buzz out of singing live as you did in the past?

Yes of course, if not more. Because now it's not about nerves or anything, it's just raw form. Where I've done so many shows that I can just go out there full boar and give my authentic self!

Are there any musicians that you have not worked with, but would like to in the future?

I would love to work with anyone who is paying! [laughs] Gotta make a living! No seriously, anyone who connects with me musically I'm always happy to entertain working with. It doesn't matter if they're famous or not. So many possibilities!

Have you or would you consider producing other bands?

Yes I've thought of it. You kinda need to be an engineer to do that and I usually leave that to the pros in that department, although everyone keeps saying I need to learn a DAW, etc.

Is there any unreleased recorded material from your days in the bands you’ve been involved with that could be released?

There is some. Most notably a record I did with the guitar player/producer Stevie DeAcutis, we're discussing releasing it. Actually some of the songs I have made available through my website/mailing list in the past. But overall I'm really proud of that work.

Is there a possibility of another Outloud album as it’s been a while (2018)?

Not in the foreseeable future, but you never know. Working on my solo album currently, as I said earlier. That's where my creative focus is at the moment!

What do you enjoy on your downtime?

Mainly my downtime is listening to music! I have a very special CD collection that when I'm not listening to it, I'm adding to it!

Other than that, spending time with the family and playing the occasional video game from the 8 or 16 bit era 😊

With the live circuit back up and running, is there a possibility of seeing you perform in the UK again?

I sure hope so!

Do you have anything else in the pipeline at the moment that you can share?

Mostly it's full boar with my Foreigner tribute Double Vision ( and my solo record still in the early stages.

Hope to see everyone at a Double Vision show in the near future, and will keep all posted on progress with the record!


Interview by Stuart Dryden




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