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Space Elevator

Artist: Space Elevator

Venue: Stoke: Eleven

Date: 13th August 2023

I really am running out of good things to say about this band. Great songs, great performances and such lovely people. It’s a pity there were not more people to see the show, but those that were fortunate to be there were treated, as every other time.

Space Elevator
Photo by Dave Bott

For the third time in just ten months, Space Elevator were at Stoke Eleven for a Sunday afternoon performance. The attendance was slightly less than the previous appearance and there were a number of factors that could be responsible. The frequency of the shows for one, and also being the opening weekend of the new football season for another. Despite my own team playing on the same afternoon, a live Space Elevator set would always win out.

When Space Elevator took to the stage at 3pm, it was nice to see the return of bass player Chas Maguire, who was not available when the band last played in April 2023. Things got under way with ‘Elevator’, the opening track from 2014’s debut self-titled album. As has usually been the case, the show was split into two sets. The first continued with ‘Crazies (Take Me Home)’ and one my own personal favourites, ‘Loneliness Of Love’. We were then treated to two brand new songs. Guitarist David Young informed the crowd that the band had been writing with Russ Ballard, and had ten songs already for the next album, due in 2024. ‘Boudoir’ and ‘Oh Henrietta’ proved to be quintessential up-tempo Pop/Rock workouts and if the quality of the other material for album number four is as strong, then it will be a highlight of the year.

This was my sixth time seeing Space Elevator play live and each time the consummate musicianship impresses. I do firmly believe having Michael Bramwell as a live keyboard player has given the overall sound an extra dimension and his playing compliments David Young’s guitar. The unassuming Brian Greene held everything together from the rear and having some nice visuals projected on a rear screen made it even more of a spectacle. An impassioned ‘First Girl On The Moon’ featured a mesmerising vocal from The Duchess and some sublime guitar work from David Young. Set one came to a close with the funky ‘Cheerful Frank’ and ‘More Than Enough’ and then it was time for a short break for some refreshments.

The second half started a little later than expected, due to The Duchess having a slight wardrobe malfunction; explained much to the amusement of everyone following set two opener ‘Duchess Of This Town’. Fortunately having a car full of extra cat-suits made light of this little embarrassment. The likes of ‘Love You Better’, ‘I Will Find You (Gallifrey Dreams)’, ‘Stevie Nicks Smile’ (still love that title), ‘Passive Aggression’ and the ‘Persona Non Grata’ album title track built on the momentum of the first half, and covering Rainbow’s ‘Since You Been Gone’ (even though it is a song I care very little for) was inspired. The set came to a close, as did the debut album, with ‘Move On’, and then the crowd were unexpectedly asked to stay behind for one more performance. Space Elevator have been invited to submit a song for a Queen Tribute album. That song is ‘Innuendo’. Not one of the easiest Queen songs to arrange for sure. Several people (yours truly included) then had to film The Duchess for a future video, while the rest of the band mimed to the track blasting through the PA. A little bit strange, but a nice way to bring things to a proper close.

I really am running out of good things to say about this band. Great songs, great performances and such lovely people. It’s a pity there were not more people to see the show, but those that were fortunate to be there were treated, as every other time.


Review and Photos: Dave Bott


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