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Tom Rampton

Rock Metal Machine

Tom Rampton, best known as singer in The Treatment expands on his singing career and what the future holds with regard to new music and live gigs.

Who were your influences in the early days and have you always wanted to be a singer in a band?

I'm classically trained so originally I sang opera and musicals long before rock and metal! But my early rock influences are Bon Scott, Myles Kennedy and Chris Cornell. I would definitely say they have the more impact on how I sing now!

Apart from The Treatment, have you ever auditioned for the vocal spot in any other notable bands?

I would say The Treatment is the biggest thing I have been involved in, I was in other bands before but nothing like this.

Before joining the Treatment in 2017 what were you involved with musically?

I did a degree at ACM and was in a bunch of different projects around that time. It was a lot of fun to explore so many genres and really find out what I loved the most!

Do you have a favourite song or album from your back catalogue?

One of my favourite songs I have done with The Treatment is a track called 'Scar With Her Name'. I always loved that track on the first album I did with the guys, which is their fourth.

But I think it's gonna be replaced by a track from the new record that's coming soon!

Have you ever had any plans to release a solo album?

I have thought about it and it's something I would love to do in the future but right now all of my focus is with The Treatment and this new album.

Some vocalists are on strict dietary regimes or gargle with special liquids. How have you kept your voice in tip top shape all these years?

So because of my training I was always taught how to look after my voice as best as I can.

No dairy on singing days is a big part of it. As well as copious amounts of honey and ginger teas! Also I always have a steamer with me on tour. Gotta look after your voice properly!

Do you still get the same buzz out of singing live as you did in the past?

Every single time. It's difficult to explain if you haven't been on stage before but it's addictive. The more I perform the more I WANT to perform and get better and give everyone the best show possible! That's always my goal. For everyone in that room, on and off stage, to have the greatest fucking time.

Is there any older unreleased material that could be released?

I think there is a few tracks floating around Spotify that some people have found 😂

Are there any musicians that you have not worked with, but would like to in the future?

I mean to get to work with the greats of classic rock one day, people like Slash, Steve Tyler, would be insane. But honestly the people I work with now, Laurie, Dan, Tag, Tao and Andy. They are the absolute best to work with every day.

Have you or would you consider producing other bands?

Like I said before maybe in the future it would be a lot of fun to experiment with some stuff. But right now I'm all Treatment!

I’ve heard the new single from your latest album, due in May, and it’s an excellent slice of Hard Rock. What are your expectations for the album?

Thank you so much!

I mean every musician always wants their album to be a wild success! I'm no different!

But with the album that is coming soon... I really think its special. The amount of work that has gone into creating it is just insane and I think it's incredible.

I see you are appearing at some Festivals in 2024, is there a possibility of a UK tour again soon?

Absolutely! We have things in the pipeline all over for at least the next year so just keep watching out and things will be announced soon.

Do you have anything else in the pipeline at the moment that you can share?

Just more and more live shows! Lots of festivals over the next few months and then more and more for the end of the year. And of course our Album Release show in Cambridge on the 11th of May, which is gonna be fuckin’ awesome!







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